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              1. <blockquote id='fsZ0Pm'><q id='fsZ0Pm'><noscript id='fsZ0Pm'></noscript><dt id='fsZ0Pm'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='fsZ0Pm'><i id='fsZ0Pm'></i>

                At present, it is found that some units and individuals in the market use the name of our company to sell valve products to users in the name of Qigao valves, seriously damaging our reputation and the interests of users, belonging to fraud, infringement. In order to prevent this kind of phenomenon, our company established a "counterfeiting" department to provide product inquiry services. Is the factory products, can be found in the relevant records; also please call the relevant users to report, our company will investigate its legal responsibility, thank the vast number of users for their strong support!

                Enquiry Hotline: 4000-700-665

                Official website: viagratoday.com

                This is hereby declared

                Shanghai Qi Gao Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd.